CESI@noon on the EU’s new directive on minimum wages

Making a case for concrete improvements for workers.

THE EU’S NEW DIRECTIVE ON MINIMUM WAGESMaking a case for concrete improvements for workers

An online CESI@noon brought to you by theEuropean Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)

Wednesday, November 16 2022, 12:00-13:00Online (Zoom)

On October 25, a new EU directive on adequate minimum wages, agreed on by the European Parliament and the Council upon proposal by the European Commission, was published in the Official Journal of the EU.

As a flagship initiative of the EU in the field of fair employment and working conditions, the new directive establishes a binding framework for the adequacy of statutory minimum wages in the Member States, promoting collective bargaining on wage setting and enhancing the effective access of workers to minimum wage protection in the EU.

Why is the directive so important, and what concrete impacts will it have for workers? How does the directive reconcile social partner autonomy with the establishment of legal minimum wage frameworks? How can unions, social partners and Member States help ensure that the directive is being transposed, implemented and enforced comprehensively?

Join our next CESI@noon on a new EU directive on minimum wages to discuss to what extent this new piece of legislation will bring concrete and tangible improvements to the lives of workers and employees across the EU.  

MEP Agnes Jongerius (S&D), European Parliament co-rapporteur on minimum wagesMEP Özlem Demirel (GUE-NGL), European Parliament shadow rapporteur on minimum wagesMEP Katrin Langensiepen (Greens/EFA), Greens/EFA group coordinator for employment and social affairsSara Rinaudo, Chair of CESI’s Working Group on the Future of Work and Vice Secretary General of the Italian Fismic-Confsal unionModerator: Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of CESI