Merry Christmas! | Wishes from CESI SG Klaus Heeger

“On behalf of CESI, allow me to express my deep gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication.”

Dear members, partners and friends,

In times of war, multi-and perma-crises and ongoing challenges of our current world order, the European postwar project is needed more than ever.

It reflects a belief that puts compromise over brute force or intimidation. It stands for respect, not for the tyranny of the strongest. And it embodies a rule-based international order.

Yet as we all know, it is facing unprecedented defiance.

For us as independent trade unions, social and economic progress must remain at the core of European integration – and of CESI´s mission. No challenge of our time can be met if citizens and workers are left behind.

Over the past year, we have made significant advancements on various fronts. We went through one crisis after another. Not untouched but standing firmly.

For this, we are immensely grateful to our members, friends, and partners who have shaped and supported our endeavours.

On behalf of CESI, allow me to express my deep gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy, more peaceful New Year!