Press release of CESI’s member CSIF on investiture agreements in Spain

CESI’s member CSIF, the Spanish Central Independent and Public Employees’ Trade Union, issued a press release on November 13th, 2023, emphasising its commitment to defending the equality of citizens before the law, judicial independence, and equal access to public services across Spain.

CESI’s member CSIF, the Spanish Central Independent and Public Employees’ Trade Union, issued a press release on November 13th, 2023, emphasising its commitment to defending the equality of citizens before the law, judicial independence, and equal access to public services across Spain. The union expresses concerns about recent investiture agreements, warning of potential economic imbalances between regions and the compromise of public service quality.

CSIF outlines its firm opposition to various measures, including political interference in judicial independence, breaches of constitutional principles like equality and solidarity among territories, and ‘à la carte’ modifications to the Workers’ Statute. The union condemns actions that could lead to fragmentation in the health sector and the transfer of exclusive competencies, such as Social Security management, to specific territories.

The press release underscores CSIF’s dedication to preventing the erosion of the rule of law, economic imbalances, and inequality among citizens. CSIF pledges to demand economic justice for all territories, advocate for structural reforms to strengthen public services, and resist any attempts to relinquish the state’s exclusive competences in labour legislation, public administration, university qualifications, and social security regulations. The union also announces plans to intensify actions at various levels, including engagement with Spanish institutions, regional parliaments, and the European Union through CESI.

CSIF emphasises its commitment to ensuring high-quality public services for all citizens and safeguarding the independence and legal certainty of public employees.

Read the full press release here in English and here in Spanish.