Summer 2023: Firefighters are Battling Blazes Across Europe

CESI pleads for fair working conditions and safety and an EU statute to protect them across borders!

On July 19th, CESI member organisations representing firefighters met with Member of the European Parliament Elżbieta Rafalska, co-responsible for the Parliament´s initiative to improve working conditions of firefighters, to discuss how to advance on the Parliament file.

This Summer of 2023 will yet again be a very challenging season for firefighters in Europe. With soaring temperatures and prolonged droughts, wildfires sweep across countless regions in Europe, and men and women are working day and night to protect lives, wildlife, infrastructure, and property.

The intensity and scale of the blazes have posed a significant challenge to firefighting forces, stretching their resources to the limit. Hot and dry conditions have exacerbated fire risks, leading to rapidly spreading flames that engulf vast areas of forest, grassland, and residential zones.

In the face of this crisis, international cooperation has played a crucial role. Several European countries have joined hands to provide mutual aid and support, exemplifying solidarity in times of need. Firefighters from neighbouring countries, as well as those from further afield, have travelled long distances to offer their expertise and manpower.

CESI General Secretary Klaus Heeger said: ‘The public’s support and gratitude for firefighters have been overwhelming and should be monetised. The working conditions of firefighters must reflect their importance: adequate pay levels, reasonable working hours, up to date protection and decontamination equipment and highest safety standards must render their work safer – and more efficient. Once the crises are over, firefighters cannot be forgotten!

CESI´s key demands are reflected in CESI position attached.