World Day for Decent Work 2021 #WDDW2021

Today is the World Day for Decent Work. CESI calls for decent and safe working conditions for all workers!

The pandemic has had dramatic impacts on almost every aspect of the world of work. It highlighted the challenges that a large part of the working population is experiencing nowadays and triggered new risks for many types of workers.

On the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work, CESI demands the realization of the fundamental principles that are inherent in the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Social Charter and the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers and calls for:

  • Safe and health working conditions
  • Fair wages that can guarantee decent living standards
  • Equal opportunities for all workers without distinction of any kind, and particularly, equal pay for equal work
  • Adequate social protection irrespective of the employment status
  • Reasonable limitation of working hours and holidays with pay
  • Advanced security in flexible forms of work
  • Effective representation by trade unions

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: ‘It is a privilege for the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions to fight for decent work every single day. Today, trade unions all over the world and their allies are united in demanding collective agreements and employment contracts guaranteeing decent pay, equal occupational opportunities, social protection and occupational health and safety for every worker.’

He added: ‘To secure decent work for everybody, – including the growing category of non-standard workers-, we need to act now and adopt an inclusive approach that leaves no one behind.’