Upcoming on October 25: Europe Academy symposium in Budapest on third-party violence at work

On October 25, CESI’s Europe Academy will hold a symposium on ”Trade unions for a zero tolerance towards violence at work: Protecting public sector workers in Europe” in Budapest, Hungary. The conference, which is co-funded by the European Commission as part of a larger project on the topic, is only open to CESI members and affiliates.

The objective of the symposium is to raise awareness about developing trivialisations or acceptances of violence against state representatives, to build capacity for improved occupational prevention and repression tools at work which also focus on the protection of victims of violence, and to discuss possible policy solutions for efficient legislation for improved occupational safety and health as well as an effective defence of the interests and rights of victims and more stringent sanctions of violence committed against state agents.

The conference will be held with the participation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and feature case studies and best/worst practices presented by CESI members including the German dbb, the Spanish CSIF and Dutch CNV-Connectief, in addition to first-hand reports by employee-victims and insights from research experts.

More information about the conference as well as the broader project is available on the Europe Academy website section.