UNI Europa, CESI, PostEurop adopt joint social partner statements the Postal Services Directive and on Training

On December 6 2019, at a plenary meeting of the European sectoral social dialogue committee on postal services, its component members -UNI Europa and CESI for the employees and PostEurop for the employers- adopted a joint statement on the review of the EU postal services directive 97/67/EC and a joint declaration on personnel training in the sector.

The joint statement on the EU postal services directive was adopted following a request by the European Commission, which is currently drafting an evaluation report on the functioning of the directive. The statement acknowledges that the universal service is the core of the European regulatory framework for postal services and that the central focus on the provision of universal services needs to be maintained in the future. The text also recognises that fair working conditions support a sustainable and high-quality universal service provision.

The joint declaration on training of personnel in the postal services sector makes a case for the identification of digital skills useful for new jobs as well as for classic activities in the sector, and calls to monitor closely the impact of digitisation on training and retraining in specific sector activities that requqire new and advanced skills.

Full joint statement on the review of the EU postal services directive
Full joint declaration on training

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