Event announcement: CESI@noon on the role of public services in fighting radicalisation and terrorism on May 5

The next CESI@noon event will take place on May 5 and address the topic ‘Radicalisation and terrorism: (new) challenges for public services?’.

Against the backdrop of recent terrorist attacks within and outside Europe, the next CESI@noon event on May 5 will examine how public services – and teachers and security forces in particular – can be better equipped and enabled to help fight radicalisation and terrorist recruitment.

Invited guests include Rodrigo Ballester (Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics), Omar Ramadan (Head of the Radicalisation Awareness Network Secretariat), Jean-Claude Delage (Secretary General of Alliance Police Nationale), and Claude Heiser (President of CESI Trade Council ‘Education’).

Further information about the event is available in our upcoming event section. Please follow this link to register.