CESI Presidium and Board convene online to prepare upcoming Congress

On September 22 and 23, CESI’s Presidium and Board met on online in order to prepare CESI’s upcoming Congress, which will take place on December 10.

Naturally, the implications of the current health and economic crisis on the execution of the Congress lay in the centre of the exchanges and debates. The Presidium and Board decided that the Congress, which delegates will be able to participate in digitally in case the epidemiological situation does not allow otherwise, will take place under the theme ‘30 years of commitment. Now more than ever.’ in order to pay tribute to CESI’ foundation as a markedly pro-European trade union umbrella organisation in 1990 and need to take forward the organisation’s successful fight for decent work and strong trade unionism in today’s situation more than ever before.

“Since CESI’s foundation in 1990, our societies and labour markets have faced enormous transformations, which have recently, -in the form of digitalisation, increasing labour mobility and the rise of new forms of employment-, been gaining even more in speed.

Especially in the past months during the health and economic Covid crisis, which acted as a further real accelerator in this regard, we have witnessed how tangibly essential and indispensable trade unions remain to safeguard labour rights, social protection and interest representation for workers, both in the public and in the private sector. With 30 years of commitment, CESI continues to be independent, inclusive, different. Now more than ever!”, Secretary General Klaus Heeger said.

In this context, the Presidium and Board decided that the Congress should, next to the election of the CESI leadership for the next four years, also see the adoption of an overarching motion to pave the way for a continued strong and independent trade unionism in Europe, based on the objective to safeguard decent work and access to adequate social protection that appeals to civil servants, public sector workers and private sector employees like. Secretary General Klaus Heeger added: “We want to highlight that CESI also stands in particular for social cohesion, fairness, and equal opportunities in Europe. Next to upward social convergence in the EU, this means also strong local, national and European public services that can protect our societies in times of crises, especially its most vulnerable members that cannot buy-in substitute private services. This is a matter that the recent months have shown us very bluntly once again.”