Collective agreement in Germany: CESI member dbb negotiated a new collective agreement for health and social care workers

After a third round of negotiations the German trade unions, ‘dbb beamtenbund und tarifunion’ and ‘Ver.di’ reached an agreement with the employers for the 2.3 million workers in municipal and federal governments – a symbolic, but also a tangible increase of pay in particular for the workers in health and social care.

After proposals from the employers´ side which were considered insufficient, the two trade unions managed to reach an agreement with the employers on 1.4% pay increase for all workers as of 1 April 2021, with a further increase 1.8% increase in 2022.

In addition, specific allowances are foreseen for shift work, intensive care and care in institutions, both nurses and doctors benefitting from it. Minimum thresholds will lead to a pay increase of up to 2,59% in 2021 for the lowest-paid workforce.

More information

See the interview with Ulrich Silberbach, Federal President of the ´dbb beamtenbund und tarifunion´here: