Programme Commission discusses CESI priorities for 2019

On January 24, the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of CESI’s horizontal Commissions and sectoral Trade Councils -CESI’s specialised internal forums of debate for member organisations- met in Brussels to discuss their priorities for 2019. Like every year in January, this meeting of the ‘Programme Commission’ kicked off the new year’s activities of CESI’s Trade Councils and Commissions.

The work priorities were set for all of CESI’s Commissions and Trade Councils against the background of the general agenda of the European institutions and the CESI General Secretariat. The further implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the broader ‘Future of work’ agenda will be fundamental priorities for all sectors.

The individual Trade Councils and Commissions will in particular focus on the following topics:

Commission ‘Employment and Social Affairs’: EU directive on transparent and predictable working conditions, implications of Brexit on jobs and employment in the Member States; future strategic orientations of trade unionism and trade unions in the remit of Work 4.0; European Parliament election campaigning (together with the Commission ‘Women’s Rights and Gender Equality’)

Commission ‘Women’s Rights and Gender Equality’: Gender-neutral digitalisation, effective right to part-time work (and return to full employment), professional glass ceilings for women, gender pay and pension gaps, mobbing and harassment at work, protection and labour market integration of women migrants

Trade Councils ‘Central Administration and Finances’ and ‘Local and Regional Administration’: Third-party violence against administration personnel, improvement of employment and working conditions in the public services, fighting tax fraud and tax avoidance

Trade Councils ‘Justice’ and ‘Security’: Safety equipment for justice and security sector personnel, third-party violence against justice and security sector personnel, adverse effects of privatisation of prisons on employment in the sector

Trade Council ‘Education, Training and Research’: Improvement of employment and working conditions in the education sector, consideration of teachers in the European Education Area 2025

Trade Council ‘Health Services’: Impacts of Brexit on health professionals of EU Member States working in the UK; safety aspects of healthcare professionals in the preparation and administration of dangerous medicines

Trade Council ‘Post and Telecoms’: Implementation of the new EU Regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services; evaluation of the EU postal services direcitve

Trade Council ‘Defence’: Establishment of a social dimension in the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) in defence

Further information is available in the dedicated website section on each of the Commissions and Trade Councils.

As in every year, CESI’s Trade Councils and Commissions will each meet up to two times in 2018, hearing and discussing with a variety experts and representatives from think tanks, academia and the EU Institutions. As such, the Commissions and Trade Council play an instrumental role in CESI’s interest representation and advocacy work.

Picture: CESI Programme Commission © CESI 2019