Post and Telecoms Expert Commission

The Post and Telecoms Expert Commission gathers representatives to share their expertise, compare national reforms, exchange best practices and elaborate opinions on EU initiatives in this field.

Telecommunications and postal services are services of general interest and as such play a central role for European citizens and businesses alike. Liberalisation strategies targeting the sector have not benefited European citizens, but have had a negative impact on the services delivered and working conditions. Privatisation and competition are challenging the sectors’ organisational structures, putting growing pressure on employees in telecommunications and postal services.

CESI is working to works to re-establish decent working conditions for all workers in the sector. Healthy workplaces aiming to achieve significant stress reduction as well as payment structures allowing for a decent living are at the heart of our work.

In 2024, the expert commission will focus on topics including:

  • A potential revision of the EU postal services directive 97/67/EC and the EU cross-border parcel deliveries regulation (EU) 2018/644
  • Decent collective agreements in the postal services and telecoms sector in times of inflation
  • Work intensification and work overload in the postal services and telecoms sector
  • Impacts of digitalisation and green transitions in the postal services and telecoms sector on workers in the sector

General Secretariat staff in charge of the expert commission

Hendrik Meerkamp

Hendrik Meerkamp

Policy adviser, CESI General Secretariat