CESI’s Annual Activity Report: A reward for our efforts │ Editorial of CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger

CESI’s 2023 report highlights its advocacy for worker rights, hybrid work model adoption, and focus on social justice and education initiatives.

Dear members, partners, and friends,

The recently published CESI activity report for 2023 documents our areas of activity, and we can better assess the intensity, quality and impact of our work.

The findings from this thorough report are, at least I believe so, not the worst.

Last year brought about significant structural developments within CESI, marking a transition towards a ‘New Normal’ in the way we work. Embracing a hybrid working approach, we have leveraged the benefits of both online and on-site activities to ensure maximum efficiency while prioritising the work-life balance of our employees. This adaptability has allowed us to continue our advocacy efforts seamlessly, maintaining close connections with our members and stakeholders.

One of the hallmarks of CESI’s work in 2023 was the deepening of our legislative advocacy efforts. Through strategic engagement with EU institutions and policymakers, we have played a pivotal role in shaping new legislative measures aimed at promoting social justice and worker rights. From advocating for fair green and digital transitions to enhancing the role of women at work and improving working conditions for various sectors, CESI has been at the forefront of driving positive change.

Our commitment to fostering dialogue and collaboration was further exemplified by our expansion into new social dialogue committees, notably in the area of social services. By securing our participation in a sixth European social dialogue committee, CESI has enhanced its role as a recognised European social partner, providing a platform for our members to directly influence EU policies related to health and care services.

Our ‘Europe Academy’, a cornerstone of CESI’s initiatives, saw remarkable growth in 2023. Through an array of projects and events, we have managed to enhance our capacity-building efforts and diversify our sources of funding. The success of initiatives such as the 3rd edition of ‘Summer Days’ in Brussels and numerous events across Europe underscores the value of continuous engagement and knowledge-sharing within our community.

In parallel, CESI remained actively engaged in external advocacy collaborations and partnerships, amplifying our voice on key issues such as tax governance, apprenticeships, and workplace safety. By deepening our partnerships with organisations such as the European Movement International and the European Policy Centre, CESI has extended its reach and influence on the European stage.

Looking ahead, CESI can build upon the momentum of 2023 and further advance our mission of protecting workers’ rights and social fairness. As we prepare for the upcoming European elections in 2024, CESI will continue to advocate for policies that prioritise the well-being and empowerment of workers across Europe.

In closing, I extend my sincere gratitude to all CESI members, partners, and supporters for their unwavering dedication, and of course, the staff of CESI’s Secretariat. Together, we have achieved significant progress, and I am confident that with our collective efforts, CESI will continue to be a driving force for positive change in the years to come.

In solidarity,

Klaus Heeger