CESI Expert Commission on Education: Respect and Revalorisation

On June 29, CESI’s Expert Commission 'EDUC' convened for its constitutive meeting. Respect and revalorisation of teachers and educators at all levels remain the focus for the years to come.

SNSPP-PATS: CESI welcomes new observer member organisation

At its Board meeting on June 24, CESI welcomed the French union SNSPP-PATS as a new observer at CESI.

CESI@noon on the “Conference on the Future of Europe”

On June 24, CESI held a high-level debate on the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) with the participation of the Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Šuica.

CESI calls for a ‘strong EU public service agenda’

The United Nations´ Public Service Day, marks the beginning of a CESI campaign to calls for a ‘strong EU public sector agenda’.
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CESI@noon on the Conference on the Future of Europe

CESI believes that there is a need for an active involvement of workers and their representatives in the COFOE and wants to contribute to engaging with its members and partners informing them about the opportunities the Conference opens for social partners and trade unions.

Joint Declaration of CESI and the Hungarian trade union MKKSZ: “No” to Hungary’s anti-LGBT bill

Declaration of the Presidium of CESI on the Hungarian anti-LGBT bill

Webinar on the role of social partners in preventing third-party violence and harassment at work

On June 15, CESI participated in the 1st Webinar of the multi-sectoral project “The role of social partners in preventing TPV and harassment at work”