Webinar on ‘The right to disconnect and a weekly common day of rest’

On June 1, CESI and the European Sunday Alliance held a webinar on the right to disconnect and a weekly common day of rest.

CESI@home on corona recovery and resilience plans

On May 28, CESI held a timely event on the national Corona recovery and resilience plans and the role of trade unions and social partners
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CESI welcomes business taxation plans of the European Commission

CESI welcomes the European Commission's plan on effective and fair business taxation which was published today.

European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions

The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) is a confederation of 40 trade union organisations from 20 European countries and 4 European trade union organisations, with a total of more than 5 million individual members. 1 further trade union organisations enjoys observer status.
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Demands of independent trade unions for a successful implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights

CESI releases the demands of independent trade unions in Europe for a successful implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
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Call for tender – EU-funded project “The world of work in the postal sector in 2030” – EU social dialogue “Postal services”

In the framework of the European social dialogue committee for the postal sector (SDC), the social partners - POSTEUROP, UNI Europa Post & Logistics, and CESI – have launched the project “The world of work in the postal sector” co-funded by the European Commission, which will run for 2 years (24 months) from April 2021 onwards. For that purpose, they launch a call for tenders for external expertise.

CESI statement on possible EU measures to improve work in the platform economy

As a first social partner consultation by the European Commission on possible action addressing challenges related to working conditions in platform work came to a close, CESI issued a contribution with its priorities for better work in the platform economy.

CESI calls for investments in the health sector

In the EU-28, the shortfall of health workers in the overall sector was estimated at 1.6 million in 2013 and is predicted to grow to 4.1 million by 2030.

New judgements on stand-by schemes and working time

Three years after the significant ‘Matzak’ verdict of the Court of Justice of the European Union (C-518/15), the Court addressed again the fine line between working time and rest periods under the provisions of Directive 2003/88 and came to new refined conclusions regarding the interpretation of stand-by periods.

CESI welcomes this week’s social proposals of the European Commission

This week, the European Commission put flesh to its employment, social affairs and gender equality agenda, submitting proposals to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, to reduce gender pay gaps, to improve on the rights and opportunites of the disabled, to strengthen effective active support to employment, and to prolong the ‘escape clause’ of the Stability and Growth Pact.