Precarious employment and social protection systems, Ines Wagner

Written within the framework of the project “Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges”, Ines Wagner, Institute of Social Research in Oslo, Norway, differentiates in this piece access to social security protection in the different welfare systems in Europe.

While full-time permanent types of contract remain dominant throughout Europe, there has been a rising trend in atypical forms of contract, which are characterised in most cases by their precarious nature.

In this article, Ines Wagner dissects the differences between the Nordic, Continental, Liberal and Eastern European types of welfare systems with regards to workers’ access to social security protection, and giving practical examples on gender equality and migrant workers.

As Wagner highlights, a true challenge in accessing social security protection schemes nowadays lies within a necessity for a clear legal definition of what constitutes “work” and a “worker”.

Read the article in full here.

To learn more about this topic visit the #noprecariouswork website.

This project is mainly funded by funds from the European Union.