Programme Commission discusses CESI work programme for 2021

Today, CESI kicked off the year with a meeting of its Programme Commission to discuss the organisation's main horizontal and sectoral work priorities and key activities for the year ahead.

Precarious employment and social protection systems, Ines Wagner

Written within the framework of the project "Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges", Ines Wagner, Institute of Social Research in Oslo, Norway, differentiates in this piece access to social security protection in the different welfare systems in Europe.

Collective agreement in Germany: CESI member dbb negotiated a new collective agreement for health and social care workers

After a third round of negotiations the German trade unions, ‘dbb beamtenbund und tarifunion’ and ‘Ver.di’ reached an agreement with the employers for the 2.3 million workers in municipal and federal governments – a symbolic, but also a tangible increase of pay in particular for the workers in health and social care.

With dedication, speed and precision. Urs Stauffer, President of the Swiss Central Association of Public Personnel on the ‘stress test’ of public services during the Covid19 pandemic

Public services are working exceptionally well. Our colleagues are ensuring that the federal state, cantons, cities and municipalities are performing all of their existing and new duties even under great strain. They do this quickly and with a high level of precision.

CESI Trade Councils ‘Justice’ & ‘Security’ discuss priorities in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security & Justice

On March 22, precisely two years after the Brussels terror attacks, CESI’s Trade Councils ‘Justice’ & ‘Security’ met in Brussels to discuss a number of key sector-specific issues: privatisation and digitisation in the prison and justice systems, the fight against radicalisation, police cooperation and fight against organised crime, the Schengen Borders Code and its revision in light of the 2015-2016 terrorist attacks, smart borders, and violence at work.