Sylvia AKIF

Diversity officer – SELOR, Belgium
A psychologist by training with a post-university qualification in personnel management (ULB), Silvia Akif is in charge of diversity management at Selor (selection bureau of the Belgian federal administration) and its specialist centre, ‘Diversité’. Having worked in selection and recruitment, she went on to specialise in diversity management which aims to guarantee equal opportunities, treatment and access to all jobs and careers in the public sector. Diversity and equal opportunities also constitute the fields of research that she dealt with whilst working as an assistant researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels) of which she is currently an academic collaborator. Her main goals lie in inclusive diversity and guaranteeing a job for all, in particular through developing diversity screening which aims to ensure neutrality and objectivity in tests and selection procedures. She helped towards improving expertise in making reasonable adjustments to tests for applicants with disabilities and adapting functions to their disabilities, developing and giving diversity training and setting up innovative projects (ex: Top skills, Tour de Belgique, ...) geared towards diversity target groups. Her specialist centre, ‘Diversité’ is consulted daily both by national bodies (public and private), and European and international organisations for advice and missions.