Precarious work in Ireland’s public sector

Government of Ireland’s PhD scholar, Ashling Seely, writes this piece within the framework of CESI’s EU co-funded project “Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges”.

Starting with a reflection on the power dynamics in the context of precarious working conditions, Ashling Seely shows the example of the UK’s Supreme Court ruling which, in that case, considered Uber drivers as workers, thus significantly empowering them.

Providing examples on how the situation of public sector workers in Ireland has been worsening in recent times, Seely also indicates us what actions trade unions should be taking and putting their power resources to action.

This article certainly shows good practices interesting for all unions across Europe, such as building coalitions and embracing workers’ solidarity.

Read the article in full here.

To learn more about this topic visit #noprecariouswork website.

This project is mainly funded by funds from the European Union.