Deputy General-Secretary of the trade union ‘CGC direction générale des finances publiques (CGC Directorate-General for Public Finance)
The holder of a Master’s in Law from Strasbourg University, Christine Dreyfus Ariza entered the national school of taxation via an external competition. A civil servant in the Ministry for the Budget, public accounts, the Civil Service and State reform in Paris, she is an inspector at the Directorate-General for Public Finance and specialises in the legal analysis of fiscal litigation. Having long been a member of a trade union, she has, since December 2010, been the Deputy General-Secretary of the union ‘CGC direction générale des finances publiques’. Since 2009, Christine Dreyfus Ariza has also been a member of the consultative committee for diversity and professional equality in the finance and budget ministries. She is currently studying for a 2nd Master’s entitled ‘Gestion des ressources humaines secteur public’ (Managing Public sector Human Resources) at the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne.